Wait...Is That Legal?

In re Flight 828 and the 4400 Returned

Céleste Young Season 1 Episode 3

 Re: Manifest (2018), The 4400 (2004)/Death in Absentia 

How can someone be declared dead without a body?  What happens if someone who was declared dead is still alive?


Social Security Administration Handbook, Sec. 1721.

New York Consolidated Laws.  Estates, Powers, and Trusts Law, Sec. 2-1.7.

Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. Title 10, Chapter 57, Absentees and Presumed Decedents.

“Presumption of Death” Wikipedia.

Jeanne Carriere.  "The Rights of the Living Dead: Absent Persons in Civil Law" 50 Louisiana Law Review 901 (1990).

Donald Miller Story


Benjamin Holmes Story


Brenda Heist Story


Written, Researched, and Recorded by Céleste Young, 2024.
Music: Out On My Skateboard - Mini Vandals
