Wait...Is That Legal?

North Carolina v. John B.

Céleste Young Season 1 Episode 2

Re: Outer Banks (2020)/Lost and Abandoned Property, Treasure

What happens when lost or abandoned property is found?  Who owns that property?  Who can claim ownership of hidden treasure?


Archaeological Resources Protection Act, North Carolina General Statutes, Ch. 70, Art. 2.

Unmarked Human Burial and Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act, N.C.G.S. Ch. 70, Art. 3.

Grande v. Jennings, 278 P.3d 1287 (Ariz. Ct. App. 2012).

Katy Steinmetz. "The Law of Finders-Keepers and What Happens When You Find Buried Treasure." Time Magazine. Feb. 26, 2014.


Michael Scott Moore. "California's Novel Attempt at Land Reparations," The New Yorker.  May 27, 2021. 


Written, Researched, and Recorded by Céleste Young, 2024.
Music: Out On My Skateboard - Mini Vandals
